As you may have noticed the weather is beginning to change. With any luck it is the beginning of a good skiing and snowshoeing season.
The club will continue to meet this year at the United Methodist Church at the intersection of Hanley and Ramsey Road. The club meetings will begin at 7:00 PM. As always, we plan to continue meeting on the first Tuesday of each month, through April. COVID is still with us, but at least it is not considered to be as significant as it had been for the past few years. But I would encourage everyone to continue to use safe practices to avoid unnecessarily spreading it, or the flu, to others at the meetings. For the first meeting of the year, Pat Hutchins from 2-Wheeler Dealer, will be presenting examples and info about new winter sport equipment available this year. Recruitment of new members is one of the main focusses of the board this year. At the first board meeting it was agreed that the club should try to offer an event designed to attract family participation. The current idea is for the club to offer an opportunity for parents and their children be to introduce to winter activities. Initially the event will be focused on snowshoe hiking. So you will be hearing more about this in the future from Katie Stubblefield and Scott Gossard. They will be taking the lead at working with local organizations or groups to facilitate assistance and support in getting families, or individuals, to participate. Our hope is, that if our members can make contact with non-members through this type of activity that some will join the club and keep their children involved. Which in turn may help ensure the future of the club, and its ability to continue providing groom trails and warming facilities. The board also started talking about activities for the coming season. We have agreed that the “Best Hand” Poker Ski & Shoe, and the Rock Soup events will be held again. But to get things in the works for the future the main topic of Decembers meeting will be to review activities that have occurred in the past. The objective will be to assess level of interest, establish leaders for planning and coordination and to establish schedules if possible. So start thinking about trips and other types of activities for the future planning discussions. If you hadn’t picked up a Park and ski sticker yet, there is a new development that you should be aware of. We have learned that the State has apparently discontinued the use of AREA 11 as the area that 4th of July is in for reimbursement of the funds to the club for the grooming program. It is now AREA 4. So when you pickup a ski and park sticker for this season, make sure to specify that it be designated for AREA 4. As reminder, since it is the beginning of another season the need for folks to renew their membership or join the club is critical to supporting the maintenance of the trails and facilities at 4th of July recreation area. I want to thank everyone who stuck with the club in 2022 and hope you will renew your membership in 2023/24. When renewing or joining for the first time, we want to make sure you get onto the club mailing list and Membership list. To ensure that your information is entered on the club mailing list, the top of the membership form on the Nordic club WEB site must be filled out electronically. If you wish to have your information added to the membership list you must check “yes” in the box in the lower right corner of the form “Add to PNC Group Membership List”. Please make sure to Key “Submit” after you have completed the form. Payment of dues, can be done either electronically (preferred method) or manually (mailed to the club PO Box 2583 Hayden, ID 83835). Keep in mind, you must still submit the form electronically to be included on the mailing list and/or membership list. If you have questions, forward them to Randy Brewer via [email protected]. Please sign up as soon as you can. It really helps to get the membership list for the year completed early. Thanks again for your support! PS – Goeff Harvey may be looking for volunteers in the near future to get the grooming equipment sheds and snowshoe warming hut up. If you have the time to help when requests go out, please let Geoff know. The more the merrier! See you Next Week!
AuthorPanhandle Nordic Club News and Events Information Archives
February 2025
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